Class Pre-Requirements

On this page you will discover descriptions of the classes presently offered by Oakbridge University. To enroll in any class, there are several pre-requirements:

  1. You must first join the Heart Family through a one-time, free registration. By registering, you have access to the most recent activities, information and channellings on the Oakbridge website. (For more detailed information, please click here.)
  2. You must be logged in (You will choose a username and password when you join the Heart Family)

Enrollment Buttons will appear once you are logged in.

Classes and WorkshopsClick on Titles for more information

  • Journeys Into Consciousness

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    Journeys Into ConsciousnessDr. William Evans, faciliator

    We are all conscious. But can we describe it? What is "Consciousness"? Come along as we learn of the history and development of Consciousness awareness and then explore types of Consciousness. Let us travel together to increase our awareness and develop our Consciousness (and thus our vibratory rate) to a higher degree.

    The class will incorporate discussion, exercises, meditations, with extra written work for degree candidates.

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    $300 for Degree Students
    $200 for non-credit

    Class Schedule
    February 9, 2024
    February 16, 2024
    February 23, 2024
    March 1, 2024
    March 8, 2024
    March 15, 2024
    March 22, 2024

  • Beginning Intuition

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    Beginning IntuitionDr. William Evans, faciliator

         "Hey Susan, I'm so glad you called! I was just thinking about you this morning!" ——
         "Wow! I don't know why, but this morning I decided to take a different route into work. And I'm glad because I missed that big pile up on the interstate which had traffic backed up for hours!" ——
         We all have experiences like these — where we "know" something, but don't know how we know it! It is more than a "gut feeling" although that might be part of it, and it usually has nothing to do with logic. This is intuition, and we all experience it at one time or another. Some say intuition is a gift, but the truth is, intuition may be learned!
         This class is experiential as well as informational as we explore ways and methods of increasing our intuition. Meeting every week for seven sessions, we will learn as we play and experiment with our intuition.

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    $300 for Degree Students
    $200 for non-credit

    Topic: Beginning Intuition
    Every week on Tue, 7 occurrence(s)
    Mar 12, 2024 05:30 PM PDST
    Mar 19, 2024 05:30 PM PDST
    Mar 26, 2024 05:30 PM PDST
            April 2, 2024 05:30 PM PDST
            April 9, 2024 05:30 PM PDST
            April 16, 2024 05:30 PM PDST
            April 23, 2024 05:30 PM PDST

  • Deepening Intuition

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    Deepening IntuitionDr. William Evans, faciliator

         Have you ever had a “hunch” that something was going to happen before it did? Or maybe a friend calls you just as you start thinking about them?
         These are all examples of intuition - knowing, without knowledge of how you know. We all have experienced episodes of latent intuition. Yet, for most of us, such knowing is vague or uncertain, and we are unable to “turn our intuition on” at will.
         Come, join us for a class of DEEPENING INTUITION. Together we will share 7 weeks of experiencing the various types of intuition as we seek answers to our intuitive questions:

    • What does the aura look like?
    • How do I discern between “my” thoughts, and influences from outside me?
    • What are the sources of my intuitive information? What does energy feel like?
    • How can intuition enhance my life?

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    $300 for Degree Students
    $200 for non-credit

    April 30, 2024
    May 7
    May 14
    May 21
    May 28
    June 4
    June 11

  • Book IX Study

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    Book IX StudyRev. Eva McGinnis, faciliator

         Jeshua:  The Personal Christ Vol. 9 The Ocean of Being  book study continues with channeled spiritual messages from Jeshua ben Joseph – Jesus through Rev. Judith Coates. In this luminous book Jeshua messages delve into bringing the understanding of healing, miracles and living as beings of Light and Love. This is an interactive opportunity to read, discuss, meditate and journal on the life-changing topics covered in each chapter. Academic credit available through Oakbridge University.  (You do not have to have participated in previous book studies to attend this one.  All are welcome.)
         Rev. Eva McGinnis, PhD will facilitate the Book Study as she has for the past 8 volumes with great joy.  Rev. Judith Coates is expected to also participate. The book is available in our online bookstore.

    Book Study will begin Thursday Feb. 29th
    2:00 - 4:00 pm Pacific Time and proceed for 21 sessions (every 2 weeks) to the end of the year.

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    Cost: $300 if registered before Feb. 26th
    $350 after Feb. 26th
    $500 includes 4 Academic Credits
    (criteria available from facilitator)
    Class size limited to 30.
    Partial scholarship available upon request.

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