Certificate #2: Healing and Community Transformation

This level encourages practical contributions to your circle of influence in body/mind/relationships healing, bringing the message of Oneness and divinity into practical daily application with others. It is based on Jeshua’s directive to us:

“Preach my gospel – which is yours as well – that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. I send you forth, from this day forward, to go as my disciple: to preach with love.  To heal the sick, to raise the dead.  To do miracles.  Yes, I am calling upon you to do miracles.  Many of your brothers and sisters are calling out to be raised from the tomb of worldly belief.  The spirit of Life as joy, as valuable, as hopeful is almost dead within them.  They do not think there could be another way to live, to come truly alive.  How do you raise the dead?  By being the presence of heaven once again.  By being the presence of hope, of Love, of joy, of Truth, of optimism. And you are ready.”

  • Jeshua’s Healing Principles
  • Energy Healing modalities
  • Leadership and Facilitation Skills
  • Integrating Spirituality and the new Emerging Science discoveries.
  • Integrative studies from other disciplines
  • Healing and Wellness Capstone Project based on service project or original contribution to creating healthy and caring communities (bringing heaven on earth)

Level 2 Electives: Healing Body and Mind

  • Breath and energy work modalities
  • Reiki
  • Introduction to Hypnotherapy
    • Self-Hypnosis
    • Regression Therapy
  • Yoga or Tai Chi
  • Theta Healing
  • Holistic Health
  • Healing through Music and Arts
  • Healing power of Nature

Level 2 Electives: Supporting Loving Relationships

  • Teaching Option:
  • Adult Learning Principles
  • Effective Presentation skills
  • Leading Jeshua Book Studies and other Spiritually centered writings
  • Building a transformational spirituality curriculum
  • Teaching Capstone Project on nontraditional paths to engaging adults in spiritual transformation.
  • Ministerial Ordination Option: 
  • Ministerial counseling skills
  • Couples and Family Communication skill-building
  • Supporting people through loss and grief and other difficult times
  • Crisis Counseling
  • Officiating at life junctions and transitions
  • Mentored practicum in community or at OU
  • Ministerial Capstone or Thesis: Contribution to original metaphysical writings or creative practical project in ministry

Integrative Electives available at all three levels and from sister university, Gateway University

  • Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Peace Studies, Diversity training, History etc.
  • Practical computer and social media skills
  • Online course creation skills
  • Powerful Board Member skills
  • Service projects for serving Oakbridge University mission

Course Descriptions

Level 2 Healing and Community Transformation (Certificate)

     At level two, the purpose and focus is on the message of Oneness and divinity in practical daily applications with our brothers and sisters.   This is a higher level of transformation through understanding of Spirituality, with the added component of Loving SERVICE.  This level encourages practical contribution to your circle of influence in body/mind/relationship healing and/or community leadership.  
     Not all course work needs to be done through Oakbridge University as there are a number of other spiritual organizations, colleges, churches and universities that offer specific modalities as their specialties.  Credit from these programs may be obtained as electives and transferred to this OU certificate or MA degree, as dictated by the interest of each student for their course of study. Expectation is a minimum of 15 credits are earned at this level.  A capstone project, which will demonstrate the level of competency at this Healing and Community Transformation level will culminate in credit and or certificate through Oakbridge University.
     The following coursework may be taken through Oakbridge University and/or other sources.

Course Number Credits Course Title             Course Description
TS 601 3credits Jeshua’s Healing Principles Jeshua’s ministry involved many healings. As his legacy, he described his healing principles and his disciples used them successfully for generations. This is an opportunity to understand and practice those principles and other energy healing modalities.
TS 602 Variable Effective Presentation Skills Elective A number of organizations from Dale Carnegie’s Presentation workshops to Toastmasters offer practical techniques to further effective presentation skills. Mentorship may be required.
TS 603 Variable Leading Jeshua Book Studies Practicum Facilitating Jeshua Book studies is a set of skills to encourage and engage participants to apply Jeshua messages in their lives. A practicum in teaching an entire book and to add or develop additional materials is core of this training.
TS 604 Variable Teaching Capstone Project This self-study is focused on designing a unique curriculum for spiritually oriented books, or other media which furthers the growth of practical and transformational spirituality whether it’s a metaphysical interpretation of the Bible or a channeled or current self-help book.
TS 605 3 credits or variable Ministerial Counseling Elective Ministerial counseling requires many of the same skills as other behavioral health counseling. But the focus is from a spiritual perspective and prayers for individuals, couples, families, crisis and grief counseling. Including credit for hospital and/or hospice volunteer training.
TS 606 Variable Prayer Ministry Elective Prayer ministry knowledge and skills for affirmative prayer for and/or with others, online or in person. This is different from counseling and focuses on bringing nonjudgmental comfort to those requesting prayers. May include a practicum in prayer ministry for a specified period of time.
TS 607 3 Credits Officiating Ceremonies Focus on acquiring the skills for officiating at various ceremonies from weddings and funerals to life passages including customizing celebrations and fulfilling legal requirements. May include role-playing for confidence building.
TS 608 2 Credits or Variable Working with Boards of Directors Understanding the respective responsibilities of minister and board members makes for smooth functioning of an organization. Focus in this course is collaborative leadership that is respectful as well as effective in support of a loving spiritual community, including visioning for the future and fiscal responsibilities. May involve a term of service on a Board of Directors.
TS 609 Variable Integrative Studies Elective Self-study or coursework in Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Peace Studies, Diversity training, History etc. that will support the overall goals of the student in their spiritual development.
TS 610 Variable Computer Skills for the Spiritually minded Minister Practical skills for communicating with broader communities are necessary for outreach. Focus is on skill-building in writing and organizing newsletters, social media, website maintenance, podcasts, video and Zoom facilitation, using learning management systems, plus openness to whatever may be coming in the future.
TS 611 Variable Ministerial Capstone Project or Thesis Contribution to original metaphysical writings or to a creative practical project in ministry. Diving deeply in listening to Spirit for the next steps in service to self, others and community. Design your own unique ministry that may not involve a church-like congregation. This may include service work at Oakbridge University.
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