Certificate #1: Personal Transformation


Broad understanding of Spirituality within your life with a historical sense of humanity's spiritual path, and vision for the future.  This foundational personal transformational journey will focus on the power of practical spiritual practices.  

It is based on Jeshua’s directive: “In the ministry to Self, you, beloved ones you are my disciples. Heaven is in your midst right now.  Heaven is the joy which is your divine birthright and nature.  Heaven is the holiness and innocence of the holy Child.  Heaven is the true essence of you.  It is within you and you carry it with you always.”

  • Assessment of “My Spiritual Journey So Far” - credit may be given for relevant life experiences, previous trainings, writings, speaking or other creative self-development.  (for up to 50% or 45 credits as evaluated and granted by OU.  Evidence of participation required.)
  • Jeshua Book Studies (with Jeshua, Joseph/St Germaine and Marys’ messages as major component including specific topic areas like: 5 major Questions of Life, Oneness of Life, Reincarnation and Ascension, Claiming your Divinity, Exploring Other Dimensions, Love Series, Christmas Story, Easter Story and others TBD.)
  • Prayer, Meditation, Contemplation and other spiritual practices.
  • Metaphysical Perspectives including various concepts of God
  • Peace, Love and Joy Activism
  • Quest for the Holy Self (Gateway University course)
  • Comparative World Religions- Eastern and Western philosophies and commonalities
  • Comparing Modern day Channeled Messages
  • Revelation Study
  • Experiential Studies into Intuition and expanded Consciousness
  • Gospel of John as a Metaphysical approach to Spiritual Growth
  • History and Relevance of Essene Communities
  • Self-care along the journey
  • “Ministry to Self” Capstone Project: Individualized plan and methodology for a spiritual pathway and practice/s to self-realization.

Level 1 Electives: Spiritual Growth Tools and Practical Application

  • Prosperity Consciousness
  • Journaling for greater understanding
  • Communicating with your Angels and Guides (Gateway University course)
  • Angel Activations (Gateway University course)
  • Loving Relationships
  • Overcoming Addictions to the World
  • Developing Intuition and other spiritual skills.
  • Opening your Akashic Records (Gateway University course)
  • Manifesting your Reality and the Master Mind practice
  • Relevant new book studies

Integrative Electives available at all three levels and from sister university, Gateway University

  • Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Peace Studies, Diversity training, History etc.
  • Practical computer and social media skills
  • Online course creation skills
  • Powerful Board Member skills
  • Service projects for serving Oakbridge University mission

Course Descriptions

Level 1 Personal Transformation (Certificate)

    Foundation for broad understanding of Spirituality, experiencing the transformative power of personal spiritual practices and commitment to consciously living as a Spiritual Being of Light.   Living in Peace, Love and Joy.  Expectation is for a minimum of 15 credits to be earned at this level.
     Transformational Spirituality Core Jeshua Messages from Jeshua: The Personal Christ book series by Jeshua channeled through Rev. Judith Coates as well as related courses in Spiritual Development and Practices in attaining higher consciousness.

Course Number Credits Course Title             Course Description
TS 501 4 credits Jeshua: The Personal Christ Vol I Channeled spiritual messages from Jeshua ben Joseph – Jesus through Rev. Judith Coates. Foundational principles of Jeshua’s teachings including channeling, love, earth changes, ego, the divine feminine and ascension. This is an interactive opportunity to read, discuss, meditate and journal on the topics covered in each chapter.
TS 502 4 Credits Jeshua: The Personal Christ Vol II Channeled spiritual messages from Jeshua ben Joseph – Jesus through Rev. Judith Coates. Further principles of Jeshua’s teachings with focus on meditation, descent into matter, falling and ascending in Love, manifesting, ascension, prayer and more. This is an interactive opportunity to read, discuss, meditate and journal on the topics covered in each chapter.
TS 503 4 Credits Jeshua: The Personal Christ Vol III (Don’t Look for Me in a Tortilla Chip) Channeled spiritual messages from Jeshua ben Joseph – Jesus through Rev. Judith Coates. Jeshua enlarges on the writings of the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, The Sermon on the Mount, The Beatitudes, his baptism, temptations and beginning of his ministry and more. This is an interactive opportunity to read, discuss, meditate and journal on the topics covered in each chapter.
TS 504 4 Credits Jeshua: The Personal Christ Vol IV (The Interdimensional Self, The Way to Peace) Channeled spiritual messages from Jeshua ben Joseph – Jesus through Rev. Judith Coates. Introduction to the concepts of the Interdimensional Self, The Beholder Self as well as out-of-body experience, nature of reality, living in the Mind of God, the healing consciousness, the True Religion, sacred union and more. This is an interactive opportunity to read, discuss, meditate and journal on the topics covered in each chapter.
TS 505 4 Credits Jeshua: The Personal Christ Vol V (You are the Power of the Future) Channeled spiritual messages from Jeshua ben Joseph – Jesus through Rev. Judith Coates. Progression of Jeshua’s messages regarding the New Essenes, stages of empowerment, the Council of One, dimensions of consciousness, having a personal relationship with God and the power of the future. This is an interactive opportunity to read, discuss, meditate and journal on the topics covered in each chapter.
TS 506 4 Credits Jeshua: The Personal Christ Vol VI (You are the Power of Now) Channeled spiritual messages from Jeshua ben Joseph – Jesus through Rev. Judith Coates. Advanced Jeshua messages for living in higher consciousness and action including manifesting your desires and dreams, claiming unlimited possibilities, secrets of receiving, understanding spiritual lineage, 5th dimensional perspectives and more. This is an interactive opportunity to read, discuss, meditate and journal on the topics covered in each chapter.
TS 507 4 Credits Jeshua: The Personal Christ Vol VII (Absolute Love, Infinite Light Channeled spiritual messages from Jeshua ben Joseph – Jesus through Rev. Judith Coates. Advanced Jeshua messages for mastery including basic laws of the universe, exploration of holograms, multiple realities, ETs, and moving into Light Consciousness and more. This is an interactive opportunity to read, discuss, meditate and journal on the topics covered in each chapter.
TS 508 4 Credits Jeshua: The Personal Christ Vol VIII (Dissolving the Veil) Channeled spiritual messages from Jeshua ben Joseph – Jesus through Rev. Judith Coates. More advanced Jeshua messages for moving forward into the Christ consciousness, the next “dimensions” of expanded realities including a deepening of the understanding of love as the divine Presence, applying the Light within, and multiple skills in dissolving the self-created veil of separation and more. This is an interactive opportunity to read, discuss, meditate and journal on the topics covered in each chapter.
TS 509 4 Credits Jeshua: The Personal Christ Vol IX (The Ocean of Being) Channeled spiritual messages from Jeshua ben Joseph – Jesus through Rev. Judith Coates. Continued Jeshua messages delving into bringing the understanding of healing, miracles and living as being of Light and Love. This is an interactive opportunity to read, discuss, meditate and journal on the topics covered in each chapter.
TS 510 4 Credits Jeshua: The Personal Christ Vol X (TBD) TBD
TS 511 1 Credit The Christmas Story: Remembrance Channeled spiritual messages from Jeshua ben Joseph – Jesus through Rev. Judith Coates. Christmas story told through the perspectives of Jeshua, Mother Mary and Father Joseph in a personal and profound remembrance of the birth of the inner Christ in everyone
TS 512 2 Credits Easter with Jeshua Based on the videos of channelings from Jeshua ben Joseph – Jesus, through Rev. Judith Coates at the Intensive in April 2022 and other references to Easter in archives, Jeshua relates his perspective of the events from The Last Supper through his resurrection and beyond. This independent-study is an opportunity to read, reflect, meditate and discover the personal meaning and relationship to one’s own process of resurrection in this lifetime.
TS 513 4 Credits Jesus and Mastership (The Gospel according to Jesus of Nazareth) Mastership and Spiritual Development Channeled spiritual information from Jesus through Rev. James Coyle Morgan focuses on the story of Jesus’ life, especially his education in the Far East and his three-year ministry. Study of this book involves practicing the skills of Mastership within oneself to attain conscious Oneness with God. This is an interactive opportunity to read, discuss, meditate and journal on the topics covered in each chapter. One-on-one time outside of class will be encouraged between participants when offered live.
TS 514 4 Credits The Biblical Book of Revelation (Rainbow Promise) The Book of Revelation is about the spiritual journey into embracing the Christ consciousness and allowing the Holy Spirit to flow and work through everyone. This nine-part book experience is a unique opportunity to delve into its imagery, mystery and beauty, as taught by the author of The Rainbow Promise, Rev. Dr. William Evans. Participants will experience a deepening of their own spiritual understanding, through practices of meditation, awakening of the chakras and spiritual cleansing, based upon the book of Revelation!
TS 515 3 Credits Spiritual Practices: Prayer, Breath-work and Meditation Practical spirituality involves a commitment to practices that enhance the intimate connection with Source energy. Examining and applying metaphysical principles of prayer for self and others, practicing various powerful breathing techniques and delving into a consistent habit of meditation are the three pillars of personal spiritual practices explored in this course. A practicum as Prayer chaplain is highly encouraged.
TS 516 3 Credits Comparative World Religions & Current Philosophies An academic exploration of Eastern, Western religions, indigenous religions, their histories, philosophies, commonalities and differences. Exploration of the evolution of current world views of atheism, agnosticism, nihilism, interfaith communities and emerging views of human nature and their effects on the treatment of humans and nature with resultant ecological consequences.
TS 517 3 Credits Exploring the Metaphysical Perspectives Metaphysics is a philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality, beyond what is visible to the senses. Quantum physics is now exploring many concepts formerly relegated to spirituality. This is an exploration of the principles of metaphysics from various perspectives, including the New Thought movement.
TS 518 3 Credits The Essene Lineage ThJeshua was born into and nurtured by the Essenes. This is an opportunity to study the history of the Essene communities, history, lineage and present-day philosophies. Chances are it is your lineage as well. This course will reveal prayers and practices you might want to adopt into your spiritual plan of action.
TS 519 3 Credits Prosperity Consciousness (Aligning with an Abundant Universe) Through the application of spiritual principles and discarding scarcity thinking, this course supports abundance in all areas of life. Commitment to daily practices, meditation and releasing of limiting beliefs are fundamental to this practical transformation based on Jeshua’s teachings.
TS 520 2 Credits Self-Care on the Spiritual Path (Capstone Project) Jeshua’s teachings include having a “ministry to self” as a basis for service to others. This course explores the many paths to self-care in service to the Higher Self. As many Light workers give so much of themselves, this time of reflection will encourage the creation of a personal plan of continual spiritual growth through love of the physical and spiritual God-self.
TS 521 Variable Independent Study Delve into a spiritual topic that is calling out to you. Create a program or agenda of study with a mentor from Oakbridge University or extended community, decide on your goal and let yourself research and explore.
TS 522 Variable Jeshua Live messages (monthly) & Diving Deeper Participate in Live Jeshua messages and Diving Deeper Q&A sessions, listen to audio or video recordings and read the transcripts on a monthly basis for deeper understanding of current Jeshua teachings. Keep a journal of your growth. (1 credit is earned per 5 sessions of each).
TS 523 Variable Jeshua Advances or Intensives Several day immersions in channeled Jeshua messages (including Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Father Joseph) on various themes, including related workshops by various speakers, daily meditation practices and field trips.
TS 524 2 Credits Beginning Intuition Intuition can be learned and developed. Beginning exercises to recognize and trust intuitive knowing. Informational and experiential focus.
TS 525 2 Credits Deepening Intuition Practical applications addressing various types of intuition and exploring questions regarding auras, outside influences, feeling energy and more.
TS 526 2 Credits Journeys into Consciousness Studies History and development of Consciousness awareness and exploration of types of Consciousness. Focus on developing Consciousness to a higher degree through experiential exercises and meditations.
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